Monday, November 8, 2010

A Birthday Gift

For my mother-in-law's birthday a couple weeks ago, I etched her gifts.

The grandkids call her "Memere", which is French for grandmother:

Last name blurred out to protect the innocent ;)

And her card:

Audrey is a great cook and makes everything from scratch, so I hope she enjoys baking in her new personalized dishes. I always prayed for great in-laws, and God has certainly answered my prayers. My mother-in-law has certainly been a blessing in my life!


  1. Love the gifts! I need to etch some glass again. Alas, my cards will never be as cute as yours. Too much work! I envy your patience.

  2. I found a cheaper way to etch using contact paper instead of vinyl. Brings back memories of covering our schoolbooks at the beginning of the school year. Just a thrifty idea you might like!
