Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One of Those Days...

So today has been an up and down kinda day. First, I was on top of the world for hearing good news from the insurance adjuster. My car is totaled (yes, this is good news to me) and is worth more than I thought. To top it off, the insurance company offered me TWICE what I had anticipated, therefore allowing me to slightly increase what we can afford for a newer car (hopefully this means I can get something a little newer than planner or with fewer miles!). Then, the adjuster told me other news that should help prove that the accident wasn't my fault. I was on cloud nine! What an answered prayer!

Then I went stupid. I opened my mouth without thinking (which I don't think is really like me), hurt someone that I care about, made a big fat jerk of myself in front of co-workers, got my feelings hurt in the process, went home crying from being hurt and from being angry at myself for being so thoughtless, called a friend to talk about it, got a "tough love" speech, cried some more for feeling so stupid and sinful, wrote an apology card and prayed that tomorrow would be better. What a day. Forgive me Lord where I fall short of Your glory and help me to overcome this garbage that I so desperately want to get rid of!!!

There is hope, for tomorrow is a new day and His mercies are new every morning. His love never fails, and I am a NEW creation in Him! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17


  1. Oh, Amanda, I am so happy about your car! WOOHOO!

    So sorry that you were a big fat jerk. I unfortunately do that more than I would like. I am glad to hear that you are being the bigger person and apologizing! Most people wouldn't even do that.

    I love you!

  2. Oh, that's happened to me before. I beat myself up over stuff way too much too. It's probably not nearly as bad as you think it is, at least that's been my experience! I hate those days.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, ladies! Things were much better today and the friendship was mended 5 minutes into the workday. I'm keeping my big fat mouth shut from now on!
