The recipe said to take a "heaping tablespoon" of dough and roll it into a 6-inch log, roll in cinnamon sugar and then wrap the dough around into a swirl. I pretty much stunk at this step. My cookies didn't turn out as adorable as the picture in the magazine (imagine that!).
Soon, I gave up on the whole "swirl" thing and started rolling the dough into balls and flattening it:
So much faster and easier! Each cookie was covered top and bottom in cinnamon sugar.
See? Making cookies is so much fun!
I had to use a wisk on my mixer since the beaters were being washed in the dishwasher. Alex made fun of me for wanting to have a picture of my cookie baking. Men just don't understand the blogging world and the need for lots of pictures! But, he was a good sport and helped me out. You can't quite tell, by that's a Mrs. Claus apron, to get into the holiday spirit! Yes, it's not even Halloween yet, but I don't have a wide assortment of aprons.
After the cookies were baked, I drizzled cinnamon sugar glaze on top.
Then we proceeded to pig out and all was well with the world! If you'd like the recipe, email or facebook me!
Oo, yum! Derek always laughs at me for taking pictures of stuff like that too, but then he helps me anyway! :-)