On Saturday, we took Sky to the water park. All three of us have season passes as a way to pass the time during these crazy hot weekends we've been having. Sky had a blast! He loved squirting us with his new water gun and sharing an inner tube with Uncle Alex.
When Alex tried to put Sky into the water in his own float, Sky proclaimed that the water was, "old!!!!" (he always leaves off the first consonant. Sky-to-English translation: the water was cold!)
To continue the spoiling of our nephew, a visit to McDonalds was in order, complete with more running around in the playplace. Despite the germs that must infest those jungle gyms, they are an excellent way for four year old boys to burn off some energy! Praise the Lord!
We got together with some friends Saturday night and ate homemade pizza, complete with fresh pesto made with the first basil harvest from our garden! Yum-o! Sky refused to eat it, but that only left more for me! Maybe Sky and I will try our hand at using the basil and making homemade spaghetti sauce the next time he comes to visit. He really enjoyed helping make the pizza.