Anyone who knows me well knows how um...fickle....I am about making decisions. In the last week, I think I've changed my mind five times about how I wanted the nursery to look. First, I thought about painting over the two dark aqua stripes in the nursery with pink paint to coordinate with some bedding that I'd found. Then the next day I decided that I liked a different bedding set better. Next, I decided that I hated the horizontal stripes that my mother-in-law
So...I've decided to make a conscious effort to not be so stinkin' picky. Mom and I found a bunch of fabrics with the same dark aqua, green and white as the stripes and no pink whatsoever (which will appease Alex). She's going to make the quilt and I'm going to sew the bumper and crib skirt. I can't wait to see how it comes together.
We also went to a nursery furniture store that had a ton of beautiful cribs for sale. I had looked at a million cribs online and hadn't really found anything that caught my eye (surprise, surprise!), but when we walked through the store I think I liked nearly every single crib. They are just so much more beautiful in person. This is the one we picked out (and it got the hubby's stamp of approval!):

In other news, our next doctor's appointment is Tuesday and it's time for our 20-week ultrasound! I'm excited to see Natalie again and make sure that she is indeed a Natalie and not a Nathan. I had a dream last week that the first ultrasound was wrong and that we were actually having a boy. I cried hysterically in the dream. It was really kind of terrifying because if that were to happen, I've already been bonding with my daughter and I'd have to kind of start all over again and un-bond with her and start bonding with my son. Does that make sense? Sure, it won't matter in the end, because I'll be holding my child in my arms and will love them no matter what, girl or boy. In this moment, I really respect my friends who have chosen not to find out their baby's gender! No chance of human error then! I can't believe that I'm halfway through my pregnancy. Where has time gone?! Gotta make the most of the next four and a half months and stop being so fickle and make some progress! Ahhhh! Enjoy your weekend!
So exciting to get the crib! I can't believe you're half way through already either - it's flying by! I really want to see how the nursery comes together - it sounds like it's going to be pretty!